VSys DAQ (Data Acquisition System)
Programmable Data Control and Monitoring System.
Perfect for research, development, industrial and education purposes.

What is VSys DAQ?
VSys DAQ an inspired by the increasing demand of data acquisition system that allows for efficiency and reliability improvement of machinery or processes. Data acquisition (DAQ) is a measurement, recording, and analysis of a real world phenomena. Those includes electrical measurements such as voltage, current, power as well as other measurement that uses a medium like sensor and transducer includes humidity, temperature, flow, pressure and more.
VSys DAQ is a LabVIEW-based data acquisition that can be used to acquire the mentioned parameters. By using LabVIEW as our development environment, data can be manipulated or filtered for further analysis.
Why You need VSys DAQ?
- VSys DAQ is a ready to use platform and perfect for research, development, industrial and education purposes.
- Easy to visualize whole process of factory or plant for monitoring purpose 24/7.
- Various hardware integration such as USB DAQ, myRIO, cDAQ, cRIO, Arduino, and ControlIno with LabVIEW based software platform.

VSys DAQ Architecture System View

Hardwares to be connected

System of Level Complexity
VSys DAQ is an Universal Data Acquisition software where all engineering sectors such as industries, academics or engineering enthusiast that are able to accumulate data accurately and conveniently through hardware specifically for Arduino or cDAQ from NI (National Instruments).
Students Under and Postgraduate, Lecturers, Researchers and Industrial
Integrated Hardware:
Researchers and Industry that requires a medium scale of data intensity
Integrated Hardware:
Raspberry Pi, myRIO and Contollno
Researchers and Industry that requires a medium scale of data intensity
Integrated Hardware:
cRIO and cDAQ